So, here I am - mother of 5, husband just left - for good this time. Could I really be this horrible of a person to drive my husband into the arms of another woman twice? Or, has this been his MO the entire time we've been together? Don't know... don't care.
Day 1 of single motherhood with 5 children and a full time job....
Alarm went off and I instinctively reached my hand over to poke my husband so he could hit the snooze button... UGH, no snooze buttons to be hit. Time to get up, get dressed, and get the kids ready for school. I need to be at work at 8am, so.... our day starts mighty early.
Being the good mother that I am, I've been filling the kids head with how much their daddy loves them and didn't leave them - blah, blah, blah. UGH
I actually left work on time today and took the kids for a treat. It was nice, but undoubtedly aggravating as cherry water ice on their school uniforms typically raises my blood pressure, and that didn't change just because I was trying to be nice! UGH
Then we head to the shoe store to buy new shoes for my dearest daughters (both of their shoes were 2 sizes too small... oops) - again shoe shopping with 5 kids in tow is not recommended. UGH
Finally we head home... to heat up the dinner that my mother dropped earlier and to check homework and to wash uniforms and to referee fights and to clean the kitchen - all the while holding back the tears, fighting the urge to yell that daddy has a new girlfriend with her own children and while you are missing him, they will be cuddled up in bed beside daddy every morning- NOT YOU... I didn't. Because really, they are what's important here, not my hurt feelings. AND really, how hurt could I be? Didn't I know he was a cheat and a fraud - he cheated 1.5 years prior... what made me think he would do it again??? Pure ignorance - that's what!
Anyway, here's another one of my grand ol'ideas.... instead of cleaning the kitchen while they get themselves in bed, I would take them all upstairs and read a story... sounds good in theory. We all march upstairs like good little soldiers and as I am getting ready for bed myself all I hear is fighting... ok... hold it in. We'll have a little quality huggy time reading and cuddling, right? Sammy diligently runs to the basement to get a book.... comes back up with "Mon PaPa" - "My Dad" for those of you who don't speak French... that's right... I'll repeat.... My Dad. UGH